Inspite of Modi rule, Police – Criminal nexus making Delhi an Andher Nagri – A glorious short story through Picture Gallery
नई दिल्ली…4 फरवरी, 2017, दिल्ली की निचले स्तर पर पहुँची कानून व्यवस्था, खुलेआम अदालतों के आदेशों का असम्मान और भ्रष्टाचार के नंगे नाच की ऐसी मिसाल हमने तो 62 वर्षों में नही देखी थी और न ही कल्पना की थी। घटना पीएस जामियां नगर की है, एक महाशय को अपने पड़ोस में बनने वाले प्रपोज़ बहुँमंजिली अवैध निर्माण के विरोध स्वरुप 2000 में स्टे ले लेना, उनके जीवन की सबसे बड़ी भूल बन गई, उनका व उनके परिवार का जीवन नरक हो गया, जानलेवा हमला, झूठे केस, जानमाल की धमकी-आदि आदि.. अदालतो के चक्कर में ही 17 वर्ष बीते, आमतौर से अदालते ऐसे व्यवहार करती है जैसे शिकायतकर्ता अधिकार नही भीख माँग रहा हो जहाँपनाह से. शिकायतकर्ता को एतराज पड़ोसी के मकान बनाने से नही..उसकी वजह से अपने मकान में आने वाली दरारो यानी टूटने की वजह से है सिर्फ. साथ ही दरवाजा खुलना बंद हो गया है..जमीन घिसवाने का बात बाहर आ जा पा रहे है..लेकिन इस सबके बावजूद इस बात का संतोष था कि उनके प्रयास से एक गलत काम को रोकने में सफलता मिल रही थी।
लेकिन 20 जनवरी 2017 उस प्लाट पर दोबारा अवैध निर्माण शुरू हुआ तो पीसीआर काल करने के बदले में एक बड़ा झूठा केस 22 जनवरी को बना दिया गया, ताकि गिरफ्तारी की आड़ में अवैध निर्माण ब्लैकमेल करके कराया जा सके, शिकायतकर्ता ने प्रधानमंत्री, सुप्रिमकोर्ट व हाईकोर्ट के चीफ जस्टिस, उपराज्यपाल, महेशगिरी- एमपी, पुलिस व एमसीडी के आयुक्त, सीवीसी, सीबीआई, विशेष आयुक्त ला-आर्डर, डीसीपी, एसीपी व एसएचओ आदि को न केवल मेल, बाईहैंड एक विस्तार में लिखा पत्र दिया बल्कि कई अधिकारियों से स्वम मिलकर पूरी घटना की जानकारी भी दी, लेकिन केवल आश्वासन या पत्र के किसी तरह की कोई राहत आजतक नही मिली और अवैध निर्माण एमसीडी के पुलिस को काम रोकने के दो पत्र लिखने व तोड़ने के नोटिस के बावजूद आज भी उसी तरह अनवरत रात-दिन चल रहा है और ये पूरा काम स्थानीय पुलिस की निगरानी में चल रहा है, ऐसे पुलिस वाले भी इसमें शामिल है जिसका 4 महीने पहले स्थातरण हो गया है जिनकी उगाही की योग्यता की वजह से शायद आज तक थाने में ही मौजूद है। जिसको सीसीटीवी कैमरे के रिकार्ड से देख सकते है।
आखिर थक हार कर शिकायतकर्ता नें हाईकोर्ट की शरण ली, एंटीसिपेटरी बेल करायी, अदालत की अवमानना और जानमाल की रक्षा के लिए की अदालत से गुहार लगाई, लेकिन अदालतों की तारीख देने की परंपरा खुद में बहुत तकलीफ देने वाली है। इसलिए शिकायतकर्ता ने तय किया है कि वो अब उस अवैध निर्माण का विरोध किसी भी स्तर पर न करके उसकी वजह से होने वाले पूरे घर में आ गई दरारों की शुरुआत जिसकी वजह से धीरे-धीरे सारा मकान टुट जायेगा, का मुआवजा सुप्रिमकोर्ट तक जाकर भी वसूल कर लेगा और जब तक सिक्योरिटी नही मिल जाती है तब तक किसी भी अदालत में पेश होकर इस अवैध निर्माण के बारे में कुछ नही कहेगा और न करेगा. लानत तो ऐसे सिस्टम, कानून व्यवस्था और अदालतों की न्याय देने के नाम पर तारीखों की नौटंकी पर।
अतः आपसे भी अनुरोध है कि अगर आपके घर के साथ में कोई अवैध निर्माण हो रहा हो तो उसका विरोध करने के बजाये केवल मुआवजे का क्लेम करे..जरुरत हो तो हम आपकी सहायता मुआवजा दिलानें में करेगे। बाकी अब देश में गुंड़े-मवालियों व भ्रष्ट्र अधिकारियों का बोलबाला है और रिश्वत के बदले में किसी भी हद तक गिरने से भी बाज आते है।
इसके अतिरिक्त प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय, आम आदमी पार्टी, पुलिस आयुक्त, महेशगिरी आदि ने कार्यवाही की रिपोर्ट माँगी है और जानकारी के अनुसार भ्रामक और सिरे से गलत रिपोर्ट भेजी जा रही है..सच्चाई को मय दस्तावेजों व फोटोग्राफ देखने के लिए पढ़ियें विश्वविख्यात न्यूज पोर्टल आपकी आवाज़.काँम पर..
प्रतिलिपः सभी संबंधित अधिकारियों व विभागो को.
Before story, please refer to the Modus operandi adopted by Police (specially in South East District – Jamia Nagar of Delhi, several evidences can be provided):
a) When a citizen / whistleblower files complain against alleged criminal /culprit, criminal / culprit also files complain against the citizen (even their families without evidence). The police take cognizance of complain filed by criminal and start harassing others as well as pressurize them to take the complain back.
b) In the name of enquiry a silent enquiry is conducted without any feedback and clean chit is provided to culprits. When evidences and orders of Hon’ble Courts (including Hon’ble Supreme Court, High Court, Other Courts, Committees, Tribunals etc.) are brought into the knowledge. The Police officials express ignorance and then a promise of enquiry (with no timelines and action) is assured.
c) It is believed Local Police supports specific groups / gangs, against whom many people had already filed complains but police take action to harass only when those groups file complain against innocent citizen.
d) Police closes eyes and let criminals thrive. There are lot of people who are believed be involved in anti-national are working under the nose of Police. In last one year it is believed most of the sealed building and those who are ordered by the Court to be demolished are re-build.
e) In the name of action, Police arrests laborers and show action is taken by them. Main culprits roam free and keep carrying their activities.
f) Asma Alias Bhoori, Anwar Qureshi alias Tillipada, his brother in laws, Gaffar Pai and other made habit to hrass. You can listen to the audio of threat below and then attack on petitioner because he approached the Court (video is also available below)
Now the story. There are huge no. of similar cases.
- Unauthorized and illegal multi story construction at I-101, Batla House, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, which was carried out just adjacent of the house of the petitioner in the year 2000. Photograph of the site is as follows:
- On 05.02.2000 Hon’ble Court has granted the stay order with the direction to the police to implement it’s order.
- A BC of Hauz Qazi, having 21 serious criminal cases filed against him claimed himself to be the owner of the land in question and filled complaint no. 92/1 of 2012 against the petitioner on the charges of extortion. Which was later quashed by Hon’ble High Court.
- On 14/09/2015 a lady named Asma Parveen Alias Bhoori w/o land mafia Anwar Alias Tillipada, emerged as claimant of the land and started construction without compliance of the order and made similar calls to the PCR accusing the petitioner, but police found it as fake and baseless claim. Then the applicant has filled a CM in in Court against this lady as there was apprehension that she may implicate the petitioner in false case/s in order to bargain and allow them to carry out their illegal activities.
- Status of site on 20/23 January 2017 as follows:
- 21 Jan 2017 applicant called PCR as bulidng mafia started illegal construction on stayed land. Thereafter he was directed to meet Mr. Vijay Pal Singh, SHO, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, given him the complain and copy of Stay order and explained him the matter. The fearlessness of criminals can be ascertained by this fact that while applicant wet to meet SHO in Police Station itself he was threatened to face dire consequences and family was threatened to be killed. Recording for the same is available.
- Applicant filed complain with SHO, ACP, DCP, Commissioner of Police, MCD, Chief Justice High Court, Chief Justice Supreme Court, Prime Minister and others.
- Police has registered FIR on false charges in connivance with builder mafia against the applicant and his son and threatened them not to complain against the illegal construction.
- Reply by Office of Hon’ble Prime Minister:
- Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) wrote SHO to stop illegal construction. Letter dt. 10.2.2017 is as follows:
11. Status of site on 13.02.2016. Dangerous illegal construction against stay order going on in full swing:
12. Status of site on 14.02.2016. Dangerous illegal construction against stay order going on in full swing:
13. Status of site on 15.02.2016. Dangerous illegal construction against stay order going on in full swing:
14. on 16.02.2017 Applicant has filed contempt petition in Court. Hon’ble Court has issued contempt notice by taking into account the developments against SHO. Jamia Nagar, MCD and Culprits.
15. Irony of Police can be seen by not stopping dangerous illegal and unauthorized construction. Progress of site on 17/02/2017:
16. Daily photographs were shared with Senior Officers, including DCP (South East), but no action has been taken inspite of Contempt Notice issued by Court. Instead applicant is threatened by the Mafia. Photograph of work going on in full swing is as follows:
17. Photograph dt 20/02/2017 of work going on in full swing is as follows:
18. Letter by Hon’ble Member of Parliament to Commissioner of Police for action:
19. On 27 Feb 2017 3rd Floor getting ready, in almost 6 days 2 floors ready after contempt of court:
20. Two floors finishes inspite of stay order and contempt of court notice (photograph with newspaper):
Feeling ashamed of thinking of corrupt police and ineffective as well as unrespected judiciary.
21. Huge cracks started surfacing in adjacent homes:
22. Demolition by Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) at second floor of illegal building on 21/3/2017 at 3:09 PM:
23. Threat against petitioner’s family including female family members to outrage the modesty by using abusive language by Asma alias Bhoori (builder) on 22/03/2017, who reached the sport with her accomplices to prevent the him from pursuing the Court case. Following is the recording:
Bhoori (criminal) alongwith her accomplices attacked the Petitioner and family members of family on 23/03/2017 to prevent him from approaching the Court
25. Letter from Shri Maheish Girri Ji, Hon’ble Member of Parliament dt. 11.03.2017 received, informing complainant that he will be informed about the action taken on his complain. Letter is as following:
24. Letter to Shri Rajnath Singh Ji with the copy to National Human Rights Commission, explaining the reason behind the harassment of the whistle blower and because the complainant stood against the illegal activities in the area carried in nexus with police:
Shri Rajnath Singh Ji,
Hon’ble Minister of Home Affairs, Dated: 02/01/2018
North Block, Cabinet Secretariat, Raisina Hill
New Delhi – 110 001.
Sub: Request for register FIR against the police and MCD officials for abuse of power and investigation into sources of funds, anti-national activities & criminal records of Anwar alias Tilli Pada, Asma alias Bhoori & their associates
This is my humble submission that in response to my complain to Shri Rajnath Singh-Hon’ble Home Minister Vide letter dated 24/03/2017; Hon’ble Chairman, National Human Rights Commission, dated 22/03/2017 and Shri Mahesh Giri- Hon’ble Member of Parliament vide letter no MPED-44546/DP dated 20/02/2017 asking the authorities to conduct enquiry into unauthorized and illegal construction carried out at “I-101, Batla House, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025” inspite of the Stay order granted by the Hon’ble Court, Delhi police has filled totally baseless and fabulous reports to the authorities in order to harass the complainant as well as intentionally concealed the fact by abusing the power of the govt officers.
Further, senior officials of local police has filled to FIRs so that complainant can be silenced from raising voice against violation of order of the Hon’ble court and serious corruption prevailing in the area. It is also worth mentioning that inspite of order of the Hon’ble High Court for demolitions of the unauthorized construction in various cases, 99% of them were neither complied or only minor formality was made. As a result of which the construction on the river bank of Yamuna is also going on unhindered and uninterrupted, inspite of order of Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Court, which is not damaging the environment only but also resulting in construction of dangerous buildings
Apart from the above mentioned reason, there is another reason because of which local police is harassing the complainant and his family by roping in criminals having tainted record i.e. Anwar Qureshi alias Tilli Pada, his female accomplice Asma alias Bhoori and other criminal elements. The reasons is world renowned News portal started enquiry into the shoddy investigation carried out by police in various cases specially in rape of a minor and wrote letter to Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor and others on 14/09/2016. A fact finding committee was form to enquire into gang rape of minor by 25 persons and FIRs filed against MLA of locality.
The police case registered against complainant and his family is totally blatant abuse of power but also contrary to the facts, records and proofs including video footages. Some of the proofs contrary to the local Police claim are as follows:
- The police has claimed that illegal and dangerous construction at “I-101, Batla House, Jamia Nagar” was carried out during odd hours is fully contrary to the CCTV camera footage available from 27 February 2017 onwards, where in broad daylight illegal construction is going on without any hindrance, even during the presence of local police.
- Contrary to the Reports, the Police booth is hardly at distance 10-15 houses far on the same road, where at least 10-12 police personals always use to remain present, even sound of construction can be easy heard from the booth. Since the site where illegal construction was going on, is on main road, which is used by the police personnel’s to enter into the locality. Therefore, it can easily be proved that illegal construction was done with the connivance of Police and now the complainant is harassed.
- I have CCTV camera footage showing his presence all the time in the house, inspite of this fact, FIR was registered.
- There is CCTV footage available of attack on me and Audio recording of the abusing using filthy language by the lady before my house openly, who is used to file FIR against me.
- As claimed present construction was made by that lady which is famous as lady don, whereas, the fact is that she cannot purchase and construct at land costing almost Rs.1 crore including her track record was very bad as she was living at another place illegally since several years with illegal electricity and water.
- FIRs was filed on the behest of land mafia through the complaint of the lady i.e. Asma alias Bhoori who is property dealer deal with illegal activities and mediator for disputed sites and plots. This is evident by the fact that the mobile number provided by the lady in her complain is registered on sites as the number of property dealer. It is relevant to mention that without verification of number, it cannot be registered on site.
- Police has filled 107/151 against the 2 persons as an eyewash. The fact is that Anwar Qureshi alias Tilli Pada who had attempt to murder and other cases registered against him on the complain of the person who was grievously injured in attack in past, Asma alias Bhoori and their criminal accomplices are giving serious threat, openly threated using filthy language and I was attacked by the lady, but my wife and daughter bite on the hands of Asma, then only I was able to escape. Video recording of the same is available too. In such a condition if I cannot freely go out from my home, how I can ask for extortion?
- The police personals who are active conspirator and expert in extorting the money are still holding the position inspite of their transfer order passed almost 1 year back and were not relieve. I have personally protested their involvement into investigation in the letters send to officials and signatory of the report by meeting.
- The plea taken by local Police is that their duty is only to inform MCD about illegal construction. Whereas, the fact is clear cut direction is given to SHO is in the order passed by Hon’ble Court to not to allow the illegal construction, secondly, why departmental enquiry was initiated against the 100s of police personnel in the same police station only in the charge of involve in unauthorized construction in other case but not against the present conspirators. The last but not least MCD has mentioned that Police has not provided the adequate protection to carry out the demolition of the illegal construction.
- I have sufficient reasons to believe that the location of the mobile number and timing of that lady will not tally from the site where the incident she has mentioned in her complain and FIR.
- I strongly believe that police has intentionally not sought the video recordings of both the CCTV cameras which are installed in front of the house and clearly visible because they had malafied intentions. Even police has never verified the authenticity of the documentary proofs as ownership alongwith transaction of money from the contemnor’s accounts, on whose behest local police seems to be working. It is worth mentioning that that there can be serious anti-national activities going on, because purchase and construction at property worth crores of rupees cannot be carried out even after demonetization without involvement of big gang.
- The criminal and financial records of “Anwar Quereshi alias Till Pada”, his women accomplice “Asma alias Bhoori” and other associates may kindly be retrieved, as according to the information received they are actively involved in land grabbing, extortion, threats and other criminal and anti-national activities that are serious in nature.
There are many more such documentary proofs and circumstantial evidences that can provided as and when required. Some of them are available at also.
Therefore, you are requested to kindly order for high level enquiry and take action against the police personals u/s 166 of I.P.C or whatever deem fit and necessary for abuse of power by the government officials, order them to withdraw false case registered against me and my family to harass as well as book the culprits.
I shall be thankful if you can spare few minutes from your valuable time to meet, so that I can explain the details and modus operandi of the well-established land and building mafia operating in the area in connivance of local police and against order of Hon’ble Courts.
With warm regards,
Yours Sincerely
Founder & National Coordinator, A world renowned news portal and service
Address: [deleted]
Web / FB / Twitter:
WhatsApp / Mobile: [deleted]
E-Mail: [deleted]
Copy to:
- Chairman, National Human Right Commission
- Commissioner of Police, Delhi
- Director, Enforcement Directorate
- All concerned departments and personalities.
25. Reply of Delhi Police after several reminders of NHRC, received from NHRC on 29 October 2018 through email.
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Reply of Mr. S.M.Matloob to NHRC, mentioning each and every detail that how Police has tried to harass him and his family and hide facts from NHRC. Even wayback in 2014 he mentioned the apprehension in the case at court that police and gang members of the lady including her can implicate in a fake case.
The Assistant Registrar (Law)
National Human Rights Commission Dated: 30 October 2018
(Law Division), Manav Adhikar Bhawan,
Block-C, GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi-110023
Sub.: Ref. – Request called in NHRC Case File No.: 205/30/8/2018
Respected Sir,
It is unfortunate that the physical copy could not be delivered to the complainant but we are extremely thankful for giving us the opportunity by sending the document through email. We have received the document on 29 October 2018 through email (sent from email id AR(M-1) [deleted] to [deleted]) and immediately sending our reply as follows. Kindly update our address as:
in your records for future correspondence.
The words ‘complainant’, ‘I’ and ‘me’ are the same and will be used interchangeably in the following letter for effectively explaining the case and furnishing reply of what the police has stated.
To have a quick brief, I S.M.Matloob (Complainant), am a senior citizen and me and my family are peace loving citizens and have no criminal record. I have served at senior position in ICCR, Ministry of External Affairs and my family is also respected. My son is a scientist and has received many awards nationally and internationally and appreciation from Hon’ble Prime Minister(s) of India for his achievement in the field of technology. I am also Editor-in-Chief of news service, whistle blower and carried out many welfare activites.
The reply of police is full of manipulation and conveniently tried to concealment the facts. All the duly received records and documents are available with the police. They have also been provided with CD containing the documents. The police is trying to hush up the case and keeps harassing me and my family.
I would like to draw your kind attention to the facts, that will clearly establish active connivance of police with builder mafia. It is resulting in the harassment and torture of me and my family. The facts that police has concealed are:
- On my complain on 05.02.2000 Hon’ble Civil Court has granted stay on carrying out illegal construction on property No. I-101, Muradi Rd., Batla House in suit No. 89/2000 in the matter of S M Matloob Vs. M. Salim. The Hon’ble court mentioned “therefore, defendant no 1 to 3 are hereby restrained from carrying out any construction against the sanctioned plan……Accordingly, the officer in charge of local police station is directed to extend the …if required for implementing the order”. On 16.03.2000 M. Salim has given in writing in Court that “We will not carry out any construction in violation of BBL and sanctioned building plan in the suit premises.” Same was requested by the applicant as well.
After that Salim sold the land and cycle of harassment of applicant and his family started by anti social and goonda elements as well as builder mafia. The land passed hand from several people including criminals, even the complainant was attacked by a BC of the area. Several other events happened in between but for the sake of brevity I am not mentioning them here, but attaching their details.
- Meanwhile, another lady named Asma Parveen alias Bhoori w/o land mafia Anwar alias Tilli Pada, emerged as claimant of the land and started construction in violation of the order and started threatening the petitioner and his family. Then petitioner filed a CM in 546/2014 and before Hon’ble High Court against this lady while raising apprehension that she may implicate the petitioner in false case/s related to women in order to bargain and allow them to carry out the illegal activities. Advance copy of petition was served to PS Jamia Nagar vide DD No.71B dated 13.09.2015. I also filed complaint vide diary no.46418/2015 in WP(CRL) 546/2014 before Hon’ble High Court, but on the assurance of the then DCP (SE) I did not pursued the case.
- It is believed after change of police officers cycle of threats, physical attacks, harassment and manhandling against me and my family restarted. I have made 100s of complaints in this regard at every level.
In order to pressurize the applicant and his family local police filed FIRs No.58/2017 on 22/01/2017 against me and my son u/s 354/323/509/34 IPC and another FIR No.157/2017 dated 18/2/2017 u/s 506/509 of IPC against me even though video recording of CCTV camera confirms that I was at home.
- Police failed to establish the motive of the crime/ registration of FIR against the complainant and his son as they have no role to play. The lady Asma Parveen alias Bhoori and her husband Anwar alias Tilli Pada on whose behest police registered the FIR have a criminal background with several cases registered against them. They were carrying out illegal and dangerous construction on the land on which Hon’ble Court restricted to carry out any construction and asked police to check it. As such, me and my family had no role in the matter. FIR against the undersigned complainant and his family was lodged by the police on behest of criminals just in order to arm twist the complainant and harass him and his family.
Please refer the reply of ASI Bijender Singh sent to NHRC, “ASI Bijender Singh stated that he was Beat officer of the area and information about all unauthorized construction were sent to the concerned civic agency for taking further necessary action. Accordingly, information pertaining to Property no. I-101, Muradi Rd., Batla House, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi was also send to the concerned civic agency on 28/01/2017, 18/02/2017, 20/02/2017 and 26/02/2017”.
The above version clearly reflects that the criminals were carrying out illegal, unauthorized and dangerous construction with the connivance of police, otherwise, even after Hon’ble Court’s order and Hon’ble Supreme Court’s guidelines against illegal construction, construction should not be carried out unhindered and uninterrupted as it happened in this case. Police had informed the agency on various dates just to do the formality. The complainant has also shared live videos and photos of ongoing construction with senior police officials.
- This is evident by the fact that the mobile number provided by the lady in her complaint / FIR is registered on sites as the number of property dealer. It is relevant to mention that without verification the number cannot be registered on the site. This fact also establishes that the criminals are habitual offenders and professional in the field and purchase such kind of properties at low prices and by arm twisting to carry out construction over them.
- The lady and her husband has a criminal track record and in connivance of local police have undertook illegal activities in the past. Another neighbour Shri S.M.Asif, Owner & Editor of newspaper Daily In Dino published in three languages, told that Parveen alias Bhoori (on whose behest FIR is registered) has criminal background and was illegal occupant in his House No.I-90 for around 10 years on the basis of fake and forged documents. Even electricity and water connection was taken on same fake documents and she did not pay even a single penny during the illegal occupancy. He managed to get the premises vacated only after the order of the Saket Court. Mr. Asif also told that Asma alias Bhoori is Pakistani national or has lived in Pakistan and returned India somehow. He also told that she is known for filing false cases including the one in which she framed Mr. Asif’s brother-in-law in 1998. The charges are the same as that in the FIR she has filed against the complainant.
- The lady is a professional criminal and in connivance with the police got the fake FIR registered against the complainant and his family. This can be assessed by listening to the recorded audio of abuse and seeing the video of the physical attack by the lady on the complainant in broad daylight, uploaded at the following links respectively:
- Abuse audio:
- Video of attack on the complainant:
Complete details along with photographs can be accessed at:
In spite of that, the police have not taken any action against her and her accomplices.
- As the complainant and his son were not involved in any crime or any illegal activity they continued doing their daily work and attending office. It can be verified through timeline of google map also.
- Further, I have audio recording dated 23.01.2017 (a day after police claimed to have registered the FIR on the basis of the complaint of the lady). The recording was made when I visited police station along with my son to file complaint of threat and harassment by the criminals. The then SHO Jamia Nagar Vijay Pal Singh in the lengthy recording nowhere mentions the fake FIR that has been registered against the complainant under the above mentioned sections nor says anything about the crime that the lady has mentioned in her complaint. It is clear that the police has registered the FIR as part of conspiracy. First they tried to convince the complainant not to file any complaint against the land mafia and on refusing to do so, they registered the FIR.
In fact, in the audio Tilli Pada can be heard threatening the complainant and his son that he will kill him and his family, in front of the then SHO and police officials. The complainant, on the other hand, told police officials that he will approach Hon’ble court if they don’t take any action.
- I and my son applied for anticipatory bail after more than 20 days as we were not aware the police was trying to frame us. We only applied for the bail after coming to know through well wishers that the police has registered false FIR on the alleged fabricated incident.
- Hon’ble Judge granted the anticipatory bail on 14/02/2017 to me and my son while specifically mentioning that “The alleged incident is reported to have taken place at around 12 noon in the day time. No person from the vicinity, when the alleged incident has taken place has supported the version of complainant (the lady who filed the complain to get the FIR registered). Both the parties are neighbors. There is property dispute between the parties”.
- In order to prolong the case and harass the complainant and his family as also to compel him to withdraw the contempt petition and case, police officials kept delaying the simple case filed on fake incident for 21 months (it is going to be almost 2 years) and have still not filed the chargesheet. The police officials told that if I withdraw the complaint and contempt petition against the builder mafia and the police, they will get the FIR quashed/complaint against me and my family withdrawn.
- MCD has declared the construction carried by the criminal lady and her accomplices as illegal, unauthorized and dangerous. As mentioned by Police in reply furnished to NHRC, MCD has carried out the demolition activity.
It is worth mentioning here that the Police hid the fact that they are hand-in-gloves with the building mafia. MCD has mentioned in its reply that since the Police did not provide adequate force, it was not able to complete the demolition. As a result of which criminals have occupied the building and continue to harass and pressurize the complainant to withdraw the contempt petition that he has filed against the then SHO Jamia Nagar Vijay Pal Singh, criminals and land and building mafia.
- After several complaints at various levels and on pressure of Hon’ble Member of Parliament, the Police accepted that the builder and his henchmen were threatening the complainant, but did not register complaint against the kingpins. It has filed 107/151 against the 2 persons of the building and land mafia as an eyewash.
- It is clearly evident that even NHRC had to send several reminders to the Police seeking reply from them. One can easily assess how neck deep is the police in corruption and is colluding with mafia in harassing the complainant and his family by filing false FIR and by providing impunity to Asma alias Bhoori and her husband Anwar alias Tilli Pada and their henchmen. Even though the attack on the complainant was carried out in broad day light and the complainant has a recording of that, the police is protecting the culprits so that they can harass the complainant.
- The police is claiming that the complainant has not provided them evidence, but the truth is that complainant has given a CD of the video recording proving that he was at home during the time of the FIR and also told them that they can have records as and when they require in several mails and duly received letters. Nowhere has the police asked to provide the same. The police registered the second FIR despite CCTV recording proving that the incident did not happen. Police has made mockery of law by completing investigation without records and not proceeding with the case for almost 21 months, so that a bargain can be made.
- It is worth mentioning that Asma Parveeen alias Bhoori and her husband Anwar alias Tilli Pada are known criminals having several criminal cases registered against them and have amassed huge wealth through unknown sources. Despite several requests to the police, they haven’t enquired about the source of income they used to purchase the land.
- Another proof that the case was filed by the land mafia in connivance of police is that in one of the complaints the lady Asma has mentioned that the incident happened on the plot, whereas in another complaint to the police for another FIR she has mentioned that she was getting her old home repaired when the incident took place. Both versions contradict each other.
Therefore, in view of the above facts and circumstances it is requested to:
- Order to register FIR against police officials including former SHO Jamia Nagar – Vijay Pal Singh for abuse of power, dereliction of duty, concealing facts, and ignoring the evidence and against the lady Asma, her husband Anwar alias Tilli Pada and their accomplices for registering false FIR and providing false and fabricated evidence to harass the complainant and for instrumentally carrying out illegal, dangerous and unauthorized construction. Also, kindly order to conduct enquiry.
- Ask local police to retrieve details of all the criminal and civil cases, FIRs, properties acquired and financial records of “Anwar Quereshi alias Tilli Pada”, his woman accomplice “Asma alias Bhoori” and other associates, so that it can be established that the police is acting on behalf of established criminal gang and land mafia, who are involved in several land grabbing and other cases.
- Kindly ask the tax authorities and enforcement directorate to enquire the source of huge amount of money used for alleged purchasing of the properties/lands by Asma alias Bhoori and Anwar alias Tilli Pada as they have no established/visible source of earning.
- Kindly ask the police to provide details of events along with time and records which lead to registration of both the FIRs against the complainant so that it can be further established that the FIR against the complainant was false and was lodged in collusion with the police.
- Kindly order police to provide protection to the complainant and his family, as he was already attacked and faced manhandling, threats and abuses on a daily basis.
- Kindly order investigation agency or NHRC to enquire into the incident and get the false FIR against the complainant and his family members quashed because it is hampering the bright career and other prospects in life, which are all at stake. Also ask police to quickly conclude the case since there is no logic as to why the complainant would get involved in manhandling and fist fights with the criminals as alleged in the false FIR.
- Ask the police to register FIR against Asma alias Bhoori and her accomplices for carrying out attack on the complainant whose video recording is already available and for abusing and outraging the modesty of women.
- Order police officials to compensate the complainant and his family for the harassment, for causing mental agony, and financial and career related losses.
- Kindly pass any other order/s which NHRC may deem fit and proper.
Several complaints and emails that were given to Police officials are attached herewith for your kind perusal. However, due to the bulky size of some of the video and audio recordings other than those provided here cannot be uploaded and can be provided as and when required by the NHRC along with the documentary proofs.
The law and order situation in the area is deteriorating day by day and police is harassing those who uphold the law. I shall be obliged and extremely thankful to you if few minutes from your valuable time can be spared so that I can meet you in person and explain the case.
Best Regards
Editor in Chief
Mobile: [deleted]
Email: [deleted]
Address: [deleted]
26. Voice Recording of conversation held at police station next day i.e. 23 Jan 2017 after FIR was registered, that clearly indicates that the FIR against S.M.Matloob and his family was fabricated and after thought as well as part of conspiracy hatched by Police and builder mafia. In recording nowhere, police mentioned about the weapon, involvement of his son, even Anwar Qureshi himself can be heard not mentioning it, but both Police and Anwar Qureshi and his gang members are threatening the complainant to not to approach the court of law.