About us
A brief introduction of the S.M.Matloob
1. I have done Master Degree and after that joined Ministry of External Affairs, Govt of India (ICCR)) in 1979 and elected President etc of ICCR Staff Association since 1992, continue upto superannuation, due to worked as dynamic and extremely honest Whistle blower & peace loving and law abiding Employee/Citizen.
- Founder & Chief editor of www.aapkiawaz.com- World renowned News Portal +Video+ News Service of 11000 News Sources, & 22 years experience in active Journalism. i.e. Sachchi Hidayet (Monthly), Aman Express (Weekly) and aapkiawaz.com (Online News Portal) etc.
- Honble Court have granted bail vide order dated 01.04.2009, one of the basis of investigating report, regarding FIR No.57/09 U/s 380/448/34 IPC, and mentioned in the order that “ The Editor in Chief of aapkiawaz.com” called for verification and necessary action on identity of Bhusan Kumar posing as CBI Officer…” Keeping in view the matter I am of the considered view that let all the nine applicants.
- A Stay order granted in the year 2000 by the Hon’ble Court, against the illegal and unauthorized multistory building, which was built by group of builders just adjacent to the house of the applicant, and in spite of being lured and simultaneously threaten by the Builder-Police mafia, till today neither I have compromise from cause nor surrendered to their illegal demands.
- As the Chief Editor of aapkiawaz.com, I have received a comprehensive investigation report on the Burning of Jamia Nager Police Chowki, in 2001, submitted to the President of India, Prime Minister, Human Right Commission, CM, LG and police commissioner of Delhi etc, in which a large number of persons were falsly implicated. It is believe that as a result of interference by application in capacity of being editor of aapkiawaz.com the police become inactive and FIR was deem to be quashed.
- Founder & National President of Reform India (NGO) – a federation of around 600 employees organizations. The inaugural function was organized with collaboration of National Journalist Association, UNI & PTI Employees National Federation and Former Prime Minister, Home Minister, Broadcasting Minister, Chief Justice of India, Chief Justice of Mumbai High Court, Police Commissioner etc. attended it.
- Founder & National President of National Federation of Muslim Organizations, consisting of about 400 organizations and filed several Public Interest Litigation, and applicant also appeared before the Hon’ble Court as “IN PERSON” in many case i.e. Okhla Mod Eidgah case, against the stay of 123 Religious Monuments of Delhi.
- Filed several successful PILs before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Court including the one in which it is prayed for investigation by the CBI in the Najma Heptullah’s case of fraud for photograph morphing, rampant corruption charges in ICCR and against fee hike as almost double on the visit of “Haj” in the period of BJP Govt.
- In response of the PIL before the Hon’ble High Court, Delhi (applicant had filed in person) against High profile corruption case against the top officers of the Ministry of External Affairs i.e. Rakesh Kumar (Special Secretary for Human Trafficking) and Madhup Mohta (Director) and CBI filed FIR u/s 120-B,r/w 420,403,467,468 & 471 Of IPC, 13(1)(d) r/w 13(2) on 27.3.2005 and 120-B r/w 420, 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) on dated 23.8.2008 and including several other important personalities were booked in corruption charges by the CBI after the order of Hon’ble High Court.
- Submitted complaint against corruption in ICCR by hand with documentary proofs to the Shri N Vittal- CVC Commissioner, and CVC assessed the corruption amounting Rs. 200 crores corruption amount on the basis of it and order for urgent inquiry.
- Submitted complain to thePresident of India, Prime Minister & CBI etc against the illegal commercial use and unauthorized construction of multistory building on 4.4 acres of land allotted by Govt. for Mentally Retarded Children, in which Karan Singh is believed to be a suspect, the building was sealed by the Justice Bhure lal Committee, on the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
- Founder & Managing Trustee of “B.M.Trust” (Regd), President of “Aameen Helpline” (Regd NGO) and Founder of World Renowned “Aameen Book Trust”. It provides religious books on no profit no loss basis. Now, launching a unique of its kind website lareb.net, digital source of religious books etc. without discrimination.
- RTI Activist, raised more than 5000 questions under the RTI Act,2005. i.e related to Parliament, CBI, Ministry of External Affairs, Police Commissioner, Archeology survey of India, ICCR, Delhi University, CVC, DDA, MCD, Ministry of Power and likewise. The applicant utilized it in public interests. Applicant is also called “Dr.RTI” by the known persons.
- Unearth the serious corruption and filed 4 Cases against BSESand Hon’ble High Court has taken it very seriously and passed harsh remarks against the BSES. It is covered by the various sections of media.
- Founder & President of “Jamia Parents Association” (Regd) – Its activities affected the interest of around 14000 parents of Jamia University in a positive manner and several important issues were amicably resolved by us.
Applicant always use to take bold stand in the interest of innocent persons and public at large, fearlessly without any vested interests and works within the purview of law. Though there is a lengthy list of such activities but for the sake of brevity have mentioned only a few.
Yours Sincerely
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